Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Dunshire Bagpipe Forum 2/20/07

Amazing Grace - the movie (my comments about the song Amazing Grace)

Quote from a different poster:
I dread the repercussions this will have on pipers who have been trying for so long to return this trite piece to the oblivion it richly deserves - at least as far as its use as a pipe tune goes.


I love Amazing Grace and everything about the tune - especially played on the bagpipes. For a "trite piece" it has certainly enjoyed more recognition than any piper who has played it and it will continue to outlive those who view it with poor regard. It has a message of renewal and hope and is IMHO a powerful, stirring piece that deserves to be played and heard on a powerful, stirring instrument.There is a reason you get tired of playing it - people love it and want to hear it. It is a beloved hymn and nothing moves the soul like hearing it on the pipes.I confess that it doesn't always affect me like it used to because of how often it is played, but every once in a while ... when the situation is right ... it does.

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